
About Us

Xuhang Turbojet

Dandong Xuhang Turbojet Power Technology Co.,Ltd., established on October 12, 2020, is located in the Incubation Center of Dandong High-tech Industrial Park, Liaoning Province. Since the beginning of 2003, the technical personnel of the project team have started the technical R&D of small turbojet engines. In May 2017, the XH-850N 90kg thrust small turbojet engine was developed. From October 2018 to March 2022, they have developed XH-1000N 100kg thrust engine, which plays a leading role in the world in terms of its superior technical performance.

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Tel:+86 415 13190201287
Add:Building 1, Yucheng Center, Dandong Hi tech Industrial Development Zone

Copyright◎2022Dandong Xuhang Turbojet Power Technology Co.,Ltd.    遼公網(wǎng)安備 21060302000321號 | 遼ICP備2022011402號     BY:xuhangdongli

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